Thursday, July 18, 2024

Gigs in England & Germany

The "Solo Pieces" tour continues this Saturday with two shows at the Birmingham Jazz & Blues Festival, the Upton Blues Festival on Sunday afternoon, and a Monday night concert at the Temperance in Leamington Spa. Then on to Berlin and Potsdam in Germany - check out the dates below and links and details HERE

Meanwhile, here is a live clip from Andres Roots' last UK visit - filmed live at The Tolbooth in Stirling, Scotland on May 15th, 2024 by Dave Arcari, with audio mastering by Asko-Romé Altsoo.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

"Solo Pieces" Tour Pix - Estonia & Finland

Andres Roots' "Solo Pieces" tour started last Thursday with a set at the Pirita Bluus festival in Tallinn, Estonia and continued with three concerts in Finland, the first two double bills with harmonica ace Jantso Jokelin: Savonlinnan Kulttuurikellari in Savonlinna and Roihuvuoren Rio and Hakasalmen huvila in Helsinki. Here are two pics from each show - Savonlinna photos by Leif Laaksonen, Roihuvuori photos by Matti Suuronen, and Hakasalmi photos by Risto Vuorimies. The tour will continue this weekend in the UK - click HERE for dates!