Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Pärnu and Liepaja + Soul Bag and Pipeline

On Wednesday, June 28, Andres Roots and Ismo Haavisto will be performing together at Ranna Kõlakoda in Pärnu, Estonia. From there, Roots will travel to Liepaja, Latvia for a three-night solo run: Thursday, June 29 at Fontaine Palace and Friday-Saturday at Fontaine Gypsy Camp.

Meanwhile, Christophe Mourot writes in the current issue of the French Soul Bag magazine that the Andres Roots "Vol. 12" CD is "mixing blues of every origin... energetic and poetic, that we never grow tired of listening to." And over in the UK, Norman Darwen states in the Pipeline Instrumental Review that "Estonian guitarist Andres makes excellent solo instrumental albums and this is no exception to that rule."

Photo by Maanus Kullamaa.

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